- VPC Peering Network debugging
- VPC Peering
- AWS IAM Identiy Center
- Updating Azure Alerts
- Using values from ARM templates in Terraform
- Callback URL in Logicapps
- Installing rbenv on Mac with Brew
- Sdiff
- Terraform Ternary Operator
- AMPLS and VNet Limits
- ISE and Logic Apps
- Feedback
- Logic App Runs
- Terraform Lifecycle
- Terraform File Template
- Azure ARM Templates
- Sara model for recieving feedback
- Kusto: data tables and current time
- Custom Queries in Azure Monitor Workbooks
- Kusto Bag Unpack
- Kusto case statement and argmax
- TIL: how to check if a bash env variable is set
- TIL: mv-expand in Kusto